days and wonder

And so, we return to 1999.

I did not think I would ever be spinning a blog again. I think I did in the, like, pre-Google Blogger days? Or something? I was 14. I thought everyone would follow it and I would be internet famous. I wish I could go back in time and kick my own ass.

This will not be a newsletter. I wanted to make one to have a more centralized "here's an important update" kinda thing but that's a) sort of what my Patreon is and b) if you collect enough emails, which I don't think is unrealistic given my reach at this point, you need to start paying hundreds a month for that shit and, like, no. I will not.

So here's a blog. How often will I post here? I don't know! I don't care! It's actually kind of nice! I don't need to give a shit about it. It's a siloed area I can dump thoughts in and you can read them. Cohost taught me that I really don't need to care about having a statement or take on shit, I can just post and have it immediately leave the aether, so this is what this is for. I also want to have a place to, like, make dev logs or something for comic stuff in the future!

Subscribe to the RSS in the navbar above or bookmark this, if you want.

If you'd like important updates, you can follow my Patreon for free and any major updates like shop updates, new merch, new site launches, etc. will be posted there and mailed to everyone like a newsletter.

Thanks for reading and if you're coming from Cohost, thanks for being there while it was active. The community there was something I'll cherish forever.
